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Powerful RFID Solutions

Welcome to Rocket RFID

Your trusted industry leader in RFID technology solutions

With over 15 years of experience, we have been at the forefront of driving innovation and excellence in the field of RFID.

Why choose Rocket RFID​

Warehouse Robot

RFID is a powerful tool

that can help to speed up business workflows through automation. This means real cost savings for your company. Rocket RFID can be your partner in solving some of the toughest automation problems today.

RocketShip makes shipment verification simple

RocketShip is a cutting edge software platform designed to help eliminate costly shipment errors. Put your trust in RocketShip to make customer chargebacks a thing of the past.


Learn how RocketShip can offer immediate cost savings

Need a custom  Solution?

Rocket RFID excels at providing custom solutions for our customers.

RFID can help your company save money through automation

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